Learning Resource Center

Research Tools

    • Academic Onefile - Premier source of peer-reviewed full text scholarly articles across the academic disciplines available in both PDF and HTML full-text. See librarian for login information.

    • Bib Me - This bibliography generator automatically fills in a works cited page in MLA, APA, Chicago or Turbian formats.
    • CIA World Factbook : Country Profiles and Statistics.
  • EBSCO : Database of full text journal articles. Please see a librarian for login information.
  • Biotropica - Highly regarded source of original research on the ecology, conservation and management of all tropical ecosystems, and on the evolution, behavior, and population biology of tropical organisms.
  • Encyclopedia.com - This site hosts 49 high-quality encyclopedias (Oxford University Press, Britannica, etc.) and 73 dictionaries and thesauruses. Encyclopedia.com users can also search through facts and biographies.
  • New Zealand Journal of History - The New Zealand Journal of History is the leading journal in New Zealand history internationally. It publishes scholarly peer-reviewed articles, book reviews and other media reviews, from new and emerging scholars as well as established academics and historians, spanning all aspects of the history of New Zealand Aotearoa, including social, cultural, economic and political history .
  • Pacific Affairs- Scholarly journal focusing on important current political, economic and social issues throughout Asia and the Pacific. (See Librarian for login information)
  • Pacific Digital Library- A collection of locally published materials on the Pacific region developed by a team of Pacific librarians in 2009
  • PubMed – Includes more than 21 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books


  • Publications- by Micronesia Land Grant Researchers, Extension Agents and others based at the College of Marshall Islands, College of Micronesia-FSM, and Palau Community College.
  • RefDesk - Has an enormous collection of reference materials, searchable databases and other great resources that can't be found anywhere else.
  • SARE Learning Center - Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education (SARE) publications include downloadable resources on sustainable agriculture, searchable by topic and type of product..
  • The Owl - Purdue University's Online Writing Lab (OWL) is a great resource for student writers who want to learn more about writing mechanics, formatting, outline development and avoiding plagiarism.
  • Virtual Reference Shelf - Selected Web resources complied by the Library of Congress.
  • JSTOR – JSTOR provides access to more than 12 million academic journal articles, books, and primary sources in 75 disciplines.

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