Agriculture and Natural Resources Narratives



AG 101: Introduction to agriculture

AG 101 meets PLO 1 at I and D levels because throughout the course students must be able to identify the foundation of the Micronesian farming systems (Agroforestry) in relations to our fragile environments
AG 101 meets PLO 2 and 3 at I and D levels because this is an introduction course and a pre-requisite for all AG courses. Throughout the course students are introduced to basic land resource uses, basic food production systems, and basic agriculture science.
AG 101 meets PLO 4 at I, D, and M levels because the student must be able to identify, Demonstrate, and Master basic biology in agriculture in order for the student to move on to higher level courses within the program and to provide them with sound scientific knowledge that will allow them to transfer to a higher degree program.

AG 110: Crop Production

AG 110 meets PLO 1-4 at I and D levels because Crop production is a course that is design to allow student to be able to identify and demonstrate competency in the Basic food production process (farm to the table), understanding the factors that can influence land degradation due to agriculture production, demonstrate the understanding of ecology and crops, and the relationship between crops and climates. Throughout the course students must be able to identify and demonstrate the foundation of the Micronesian farming systems (Agroforestry) in relations to the conventional farming system that is in use today. Because of our fragile environments the student need to demonstrate an understanding of an agricultural system that is environmentally sound even when the subsistence and the commercial farming systems are integrated.

AG 140: Principals of animal science

AG 140 meets PLO 1, 2, 3, 4 at I, D levels, during the laboratory exercises, students were given a species to design an housing facilities and analyze different methods of for the disposal and cost –effective recycling of manure with consideration of environmental impact.
Composting is introduced and demonstrated for the effective use of locally produced fertilizer on organic farms
Students also learn to raise piglets through marketing, record keeping of growth, and decisions for financial considerations
The students also describe each state of growth and recommends feeds to meet those requirements.
AG 140 meets PLO 4, at I, D level because throughout the class, presents the scientific nature of animal disease and parasites and demonstrate the preventive treatments

AG 290: Agriculture project management

AG 290 meets PLO meets PLO 2, 3 at I, D levels. It provides students agribusiness background including finance, economics, organization, record keeping, agro-credit, and marketing.
AG 290 meets PLO 4. To develop a agribusiness plan and present it.

AG 299: Directed field experience

AG 299 is for senior students major in agriculture to develop knowledge and skills for a variety of career options. It includes supervised practical experience through agricultural entrepreneurial projects or work site placements. A written report is submitted to achieve PLO 2, 3, 4.

SC 230: Introduction to Chemistry

SC 230 meets PLO 4 I, D, M, because Chemistry is a core science providing students with the necessary scientific background. All aspects of chemistry revolves around agriculture and to understand agriculture more intensively a student needs the science background in chemistry.

SC 250: General Botany

No longer offered

SC 115: Ethno botany

SC/SS 115 Ethno botany includes an introduction to basic competencies and physical skills in food production. The course also provides a cross-cultural introduction to plants as a natural resource for medicine, food, material goods, and traditional ceremonies. The course includes an introduction to the scientific background for understanding the botanic diversity of plants.

MS 150: Statistics

MS 150 Statistics provides an introduction to the basic statistical skills and knowledge necessary to being an effective contributor to a natural resource management organization. Knowledge of statistics is also a basic competency necessary to the understanding of data related to management of land resources and food production.

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