Board Of Regents


December 2-6, 2024
Yap State
8:30 AM

Zoom link
Meeting ID: 306 133 9702
Passcode: 133187

  1. Call to Order
  2. Opening Prayer
  3. Reading of Mission Statement
  4. Roll Call; Declaration of Quorum
  5. Election of Officers
  6. Review of Agenda
  7. Approval of Minutes
    1. September 23-25, 2024, Board Meeting**
  8. Communications
  9. Regents’ Reports
  10. President’s Report
    1. President
    2. Vice President for Administrative Services
      1. Financial Status Report
      2. Investment Report: Raymond and James
    3. Vice President for Cooperative Research and Extension
    4. Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Services
    5. Vice President for Instructional Affairs
    6. Vice President for Institutional Effectiveness and Quality Assurance
    7. Student Body Association
  11. Old Business
    1. Review of Chapter 1 (Board of Regents) Policies**
      1. BP No. 1330-Board Self-Assessment Policy
      2. BP No. 1360-Professional Licensure
      3. BP No. 1431-Indemnification of Members
    2. Review of Chapter 5 (Fiscal) Policies**
      1. BP No. 5608-Policy to Provide Incentive for Securing of Grant Funding
      2. BP No. 5801-Naming Opportunity of Facilities and Programs
    3. Review of Chapter 6 (Human Resources) Policy**
      1. BP No. 6017-Performance Evaluation
    4. Review of Chapter 7 (Facilities and Maintenance) Policies
      1. BP No. 7000-Emergeny Response Plan
      2. BP No. 7001-College of Micronesia-FSM Facilities Operation and Maintenance Fund
      3. BP No. 7002-College of Micronesia-FSM Vehicle Use Policy
      4. BP No. 7005-Physical Resources Contingencies Fund
    5. 2022-2027 Board of Regents Master Planning Calendar (Updated)**
  12. New Business
    1. FY 2026 Operations Budget**
      1. Consolidated FY 2026 Operations Budget
    2. FY 2026 FSM Fisheries and Maritime Institute (FSM-FMI) Budget**
      1. FY 2026 FSM-FMI Budget
    3. FY 2026 Auxiliary Enterprise Budget
      1. FY 2026 Bookstore Budget
      2. FY 2026 Dining Hall Budget
    4. FY 2026 Board of Regents Budget**
    5. Review of Chapter 2 (General Institution) Policies**
      1. BP No. 2002-Mission, Vision, Core Values, Strategic Goals and Outcomes, and Institutional Student Learning Outcomes
      2. BP No. 2003-Integrated Planning and Implementation Framework
  13. Executive Session
    1. Evaluation of the President/CEO**
    2. Board Self-Assessment**
  14. Next Meeting
  15. Adjournment

**Action Item


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