Third-Year Certificate of Achievement in Public Health Training

Program Student Learning Outcomes Assessment
(AY 2012-2013)

Program Student Learning Outcomes(PSLOS)

At the completion of Public Health Training Program (3rd Year) Certificate the student will be able to:

  1. Describe basic public health science facts and principles
  2. List and discuss the essential public health function.
  3. Describe and discuss adult, children and family health issues.
  4. Demonstrate an understanding and practice of some generic public health competencies.
  5. Discuss and demonstrate community and cultural sensitivity in the health care environment
  6. Describe and discuss the health determinants and problems of adults children and families
  7. Demonstrate proper cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and first-aide technique

  • I=Introduced
  • D=Demonstrated
  • M=Mastery at a level appropriate for graduation
  • PSLO Assessment Report Summary

    What we looked at:

    The Public Health Training Program (3rd year) Certificate assessment focused on PSLOs 1, 2, and 7.

    Students who are taking courses related to PSLO1 presents a report at the end of the term and these are graded based on a rubric. Successful completion of this objective will be indicated by more than 80% of students receiving a C grade or higher.

    PSLO 2 was assessed by research papers and graded according to a specified rubric. Successful completion of this objective will be indicated by more than 80% of students receiving a C grade or higher.

    PSLO 7 was assessed by a final skills test.

    What we found:

    • PSLO#1: Students who were taking courses related to this PLO presented their reports among their peers and mentors and received a passing mark based on a rubric.

      PH 334:

      Total number of students:



      No.of students with a grade of "C" or higher:



      Number of students who failed:


      PH 343:

      Total number of students:



      No.of students with a grade of "C" or higher:



      Number of students who failed:


      PH 314:

      Total number of students:



      No.of students with a grade of "C" or higher:



      Number of students who failed:


    • PSLO#2: Students who took courses submitted their research report and were graded based on a rubric

      PH 314:

      Total number of students:



      No.of students with a grade of "C" or higher:



      Number of students who failed:


    • PSLO#7: All students majoring in Public Health successfully passed certification for CPR and first aid after attending a training seminar

      Number of students who did the CPR training:


      Number of students who earned their BLS/CPR certificate:


    What we are planning to work on:

    A comprehensive assessment/exam to evaluate the overall knowledge/skill the students gained will be administered. A Comprehensive Exam will be given to students every after the semester and contents will be based on their level.

    Recommendations for students:

    Although students who graduated with other degrees are allowed to enroll in this program, it is highly recommended that they should start with the AS in PH so to have a strong background in PH principles.

    A good background in statistics/biostatistics is recommended.

    Program Data Sheet Spring 2014
    Program Data Sheet Spring 2013

    Program Review (National Health) 2011- 2013

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