MGT-350 International Business


Course Number and Title: MGT350 International Business


Campus:   National

Initiator:   George Mangonon

Date: 11/30/2020

Course description:

This course examines the theoretical foundations of international trade and investment and business globalization, the role of formal and informal institutions, leveraging resources and capabilities, acquiring tools and strategizing to be used in conducting international and global business, with a brief overview of marketing, human resources, financing and managing corporate social responsibility globally. United States, Pacific, and the Federated States of Micronesia business perspectives will be used as focal points for discussion.




Hours per Week


No.  of Weeks


Total Hours


Semester Credits


































Total Semester Credits






                                            [   ] Degree requirement

                                            [   ] Degree elective

                                            [X] Certificate

                                            [   ] Other


BU260 Fundamentals of Management, EC220 Microeconomics or EC230 Macroeconomics








[   ]

1. Effective oral communication: capacity to deliver prepared, purposeful presentations designed to increase knowledge, to foster understanding, or to promote change in the listeners’ attitudes, values, beliefs, or behaviors.



2. Effective written communication: development and expression of ideas in writing through work in many genres and styles, utilizing different writing technologies, and mixing texts, data, and images through iterative experiences across the curriculum.

[   ]

3. Critical thinking: a habit of mind characterized by the comprehensive exploration of issues, ideas, artifacts, and events before accepting or formulating an opinion or conclusion.

[   ]

4. Problem solving: capacity to design, evaluate, and implement a strategy to answer an open-ended question or achieve a desired goal.



5. Intercultural knowledge and competence: a set of cognitive, affective, and behavioral skills and characteristics that support effective and appropriate interaction in a variety of cultural contexts.



6. Information literacy: the ability to know when there is a need for information, to be able to identify, locate, evaluate, and effectively and responsibly use and share that information for the problem at hand.


7. Foundations and skills for life-long learning: purposeful learning activity, undertaken on an ongoing basis with the aim of improving knowledge, skills, and competence.


[   ]

8. Quantitative Reasoning: ability to reason and solve quantitative problems from a wide array of authentic contexts and everyday life situations; comprehends and can create sophisticated arguments supported by quantitative evidence and can clearly communicate those arguments in a variety of formats.

 2)  PROGRAM STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES (PSLOs): The student will be able



  1. Demonstrate an understanding of basic concepts in organizational behavior;
  2. Demonstrate an understanding of the intricacies of marketing planning and overall marketing;
  3. Demonstrate an understanding of the concepts underlying corporate financial decision making;    
  4. Demonstrate an understanding of the role of entrepreneurship and small business in the FSM economy;
  5. Demonstrate basic knowledge of international business;
  6. Demonstrate an understanding of economic development issues; and
  7. Demonstrate an understanding of statistical methods of sampling and estimating population statistics.                        

 3)  COURSE STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES (CSLOs) (General): The student will be

     able to:


  1. Demonstrate an understanding of the foundations and basic concepts of international trade and investment and business globalization;
  2. Demonstrate an understanding of the tools and issues in trading and investing internationally;
  3. Demonstrate an understanding of strategies necessary to conduct international and global business; and
  4. Demonstrate an understanding of issues in international market entry such as marketing, supply management, human resources, financing and corporate social responsibility.

4)  COURSE STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES (CSLOs) (Specific): The student will be able to:

CSLO (General) 1: Demonstrate an understanding of the foundations and basic concepts of international trade and investment and business.

Student Learning Outcome (specific)



Assessment Strategies

1.1 Explain the concepts and perspectives of international business and global business and the reasons on the importance of studying these.

6, 7


The instructor will use a grading rubric to assess a written assignment that will require the student to explain the concepts of international business and global business and the reasons why it is important to study global business.


1.2  Explain the concepts of formal (laws, rights, economies) and informal institutions (culture, ethics, norms) and their key roles in conducting international business.

5, 6, 7


The instructor will use a grading rubric to assess a written assignment that will require the student to explain the concepts of institutions (formal and informal) and how these play key roles in conducting international business.


1.3 Define resources and capabilities and explain how value is created from these in the global scene.

6, 7


The instructor will use a grading rubric to assess a written assignment that will require the student to define resources and capabilities and explain how value is created from these in the global scene from the VRIO (Value, Rarity, Imitability, Organization) strategy.


CSLO (General) 2: Demonstrate an understanding of the tools and issues in trading and investing internationally.

Student Learning Outcomes (specific)



Assessment Strategies

2.1 Explain why nations trade using the resource-based and institution-based views

6, 7


The instructor will use a grading rubric to assess a written assignment that will require the student to explain the reasons why nations trade using the resource- and institution-based views.


2.2 Describe the classical and modern theories of international trade

6, 7


The instructor will use a grading rubric to assess a written assignment that will require the student to describe the two theories of international trade.


2.3 Explain some political realities governing international trade.

6, 7


The instructor will use a grading rubric to assess a written assignment that will require the student to explain some political realities (tariff barriers, non-tariff barriers, and the political and economic arguments against free trade) governing international trade.


2.4 Explain why foreign direct investment (FDI) takes place.

6, 7


The instructor will use a grading rubric to assess a written assignment that will require the student to explain why foreign direct investment (FDI) takes place using the institution-based view.


2.5 Identify different political views on FDI based on an understanding of its benefits and costs to host and home countries.

6, 7


The instructor will use a grading rubric to assess a written assignment that will require the student to identify different political views on foreign direct investment (FDI) vis-à-vis its benefits and costs to home and host countries.


2.6 Explain essential issues involving foreign exchange rates.

6, 7


The instructor will use a grading rubric to assess a written assignment that will require the student to explain the essential issues involving foreign exchange rates (evolution, determinants of foreign exchange rates, firms’ strategic responses to foreign exchange movements)


2.7 Explain the global and regional economic integration phenomenon.

6, 7


The instructor will use a grading rubric to assess a written assignment that will require the student to explain why global and regional integration takes place and identify the different integrations established all over the world.


CSLO (General) 3: Demonstrate an understanding of strategies necessary to conduct international and global business.

Student Learning Outcomes (specific)



Assessment Strategies

3.1 Identify strategies and important considerations for entering foreign markets.

6, 7


The instructor will use a grading rubric to assess a written assignment that will require the student to identify different strategies and important considerations for entering foreign markets.


3.2 Explain how industry conditions can be conducive to cooperation and collusion.

6, 7


The instructor will use a grading rubric to assess a written assignment that will require the student to explain how industry conditions can be conducive to cooperation and collusion.


3.3 Describe how and why alliances and acquisitions take place and how institutions and resources influence alliances and acquisitions.

6, 7


The instructor will use a grading rubric to assess a written assignment that will require the student to describe how and why alliances take place and how institutions and resources influence alliances and acquisitions.


3.4 Describe strategic choices and corresponding organizational structures that multinational enterprises typically adopt.

6, 7


The instructor will use a grading rubric to assess a written assignment that will require the student to describe strategic choices and corresponding organizational structures that multinational enterprises typically adopt..


3.5 Outline the process of strategic planning in the context of the global marketplace.

6, 7


The instructor will use a grading rubric to assess a written assignment that will require the student to outline the process of strategic planning in the context of the global marketplace and analyze the external and internal factors involved.


3.6 Outline the challenges associated with learning, innovation, and knowledge management.

6, 7


The instructor will use a grading rubric to assess a written assignment that will require the student to outline the challenges associated with worldwide learning, innovation, and knowledge management.


CSLO (General) 4: Demonstrate an understanding of issues in international market entry.

Student Learning Outcomes (specific)



Assessment Strategies

4.1 Explain the four Ps in marketing (product, price, and promotion) in a global context.

6, 7


The instructor will use a grading rubric to assess a written assignment that will require the student to explain the four Ps in marketing in a global context.


4.2 Explain human management resources issues in a global business setting.

6, 7


The instructor will use a grading rubric to assess a written assignment that will require the student to explain human resources issues in a global setting.


4.3 Describe financing and governing the corporations globally.

6, 7


The instructor will use a grading rubric to assess a written assignment that will require the student to describe financing and governing the corporations globally and how institutions and resources affect corporate finance and governance.


4.4 Explain issues on global management of corporate social responsibility (CSR).

6, 7


The instructor will use a grading rubric to assess a written assignment that will require the student to explain issues on global management of corporate social responsibility.


CSLO (General) 5: Prepare a research paper of how to conduct business in a selected country that will reflect concepts, issues, concerns, and strategies necessary for an international/global business.

Student Learning Outcomes (specific)



Assessment Strategies

5.1 Write the component of the research paper that will reflect the formal (laws, rights, economies) and informal institutions (culture, ethics, norms) in a chosen country of the student.


2, 7


The instructor will use a grading rubric to assess the research paper of the student that reflects understanding of the formal and informal institutions of a chosen country.

5.2 Write the component of the research paper that will reflect the political, and global trade environments on a chosen country of the student.

2, 7


The instructor will use a grading rubric to assess the research paper of the student that reflects understanding of the political and global trade environments (foreign direct investments, foreign exchange rates, and regional economic integrations) of a chosen country.


5.3 Write the component of the research paper that will identify appropriate strategies and other important considerations for conducting business in a chosen country of the student.

2, 7


The instructor will use a grading rubric to assess the research paper of the student that identifies appropriate strategies and other important considerations for conducting a business in a chosen country.


5.4 Write the component of the research paper that will identify issues in the market entry on a chosen country of the student.

2, 7*


The instructor will use a grading rubric to assess the research paper of the student that identifies issues in the market entry on a chosen country.



  • International and Global Business Foundations
  • Acquiring Tools for International Business
  • Strategizing Around the Globe
  • Building Functional Excellence Globally



          [X]  Lecture                  [ x]  Cooperative learning groups

          [   ]  Laboratory             [ x]  In-class exercises

          [X]  Audio visual          [   ]  Demonstrations

          [X]  Other – Learning Management System



Peng, Mike. Global Business. 4th Edition. Cengage Learning: 2017 (or most recent edition, and with a digital version and Mindtap resources).






The summative evaluation will be based on examinations, authentic evaluations and the final project, which is a research on conducting business in a foreign country.

The student will need at least a grade of “C” to pass the course.



MGT 350 International Business Recommended by CC: 10/07/21

Approved by VPIA: 11/25/21


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