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At the completion of Business Administration Program, the student will be able to:
During the previous Assessment Cycle 2018-2019 PSLO 1, PSLO 3, and PSLO 5 were assessed. The following are improvements made based on recommendations from that assessment.
For Assessment Cycle 2019-2020 PSLO 1, PSLO 2, and PSLO 4 were assessed during the Fall 2019 semester only. The Spring 2020 semester was shortened shortly after the midterm period due to the global pandemic, COVID-19. A thorough yearly program assessment was not able to be completed. Assessment data for this assessment cycle will only reflect data collected for the Fall 2020 semester for PSLO1 and 4. Enough data was collected to complete a full assessment for PSLO 2.
PSLO 1 was assessed as part of the Business Administration program’s collaborative activity called the Friday Food & Fashion Festival (F4) during the Fall 2019 semester. For the F4 activity, students were to demonstrate a basic knowledge in functional areas of business and performing common business computations. PSLO 2 was assessed using a summative exam in which students were able to demonstrate basic knowledge and skill in the use of cost and managerial accounting concepts and techniques as management tools or planning, controlling, evaluating performance and making decisions understanding of the legal and ethical environment faced by businesses. For PSLO 4, EN/BU 121 Business Communication course was used to assess students’ basic understanding of intercultural writing and speaking for business.
PSLO 1: This PSLO was not able to be assessed during the Spring 2020 semester. A total of 67 students were assessed during Fall 2019 for PSLO 1 covering three courses (BU101 Intro to Business, BU260 Management, and BU270 Marketing) during the F4 Activity with an overall 93% success rate.
PSLO 2: A total of 33 students were assessed for the 2019/2020 academic year in one course (AC250 Managerial Accounting) with a success rate of 97%.
PSLO 4: PSLO 4 was not able to be assessed due to lack of data and assessments for various reasons. Data was not available in the college data tracking system (TracDat/Nuventive) for course EN/BU 121 Business Communications for the Fall 2019 semester. Data for Spring 2020 was unavailable due to the shortened semester.
Improvement plans for each PSLO are as follows:
PSLO 1: Improvement plans for assessing this PSLO is to gradually increase assessment data from other program courses such as accounting and economics.
PSLO 2: At this time, assessment activities are successful with no suggestions for change.
PSLO 4: EN/BU121 Business Communications course is owned by the Business Administrative program but has been taught by faculty from a different department. This has, at times, made it difficult to timely retrieve or access course data. Since this course is owned by and required to be assessed by the Business Division, faculty have agreed that progress and assessment of this course could be completed more effectively if handled by the division. In the future, the EN/BU121 Business Communications course shall be taught and assessed by business faculty.
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