Agriculture and Natural Resources Program

Program Student Learning Outcomes Assessment
(AY 2012-2013)

Program Student Learning Outcomes(PSLOS)

At the completion of Agriculture & Natural Resources Management Program the student will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate an understanding of how human choices influence the relationship between living beings, their surroundings, and the quality of life.
  2. Demonstrate an understanding of the principles of efficient livestock production including feeding practices, breeds, management, housing, marketing, diseases, and sanitation under tropical conditions.
  3. Apply knowledge of farm records in preparation of financial net worth statement, receipts and expenses records, enterprise accounts, and farm budgeting. And also demonstrate and understanding the role of the manager in the organization and operation of the agribusiness.
  4. Demonstrate an understanding of growing, harvesting, handling, storing, processing, and marketing of vegetables and local cash crops.
  5. Demonstrate the ability to write and present a practicum report that details the field experience.

  • I=Introduced
  • D=Demonstrated
  • M=Mastery at a level appropriate for graduation
  • PSLO Assessment Report Summary

    What we looked at:

    The Agriculture & Natural Resources Management Program assessment focused on PSLO 1. Listed below are the results for the PSLO.

    What we found:

    1. 75% of students passed the posttest demonstrating an understanding of how human choices influence the relationship between living beings, their surroundings, and the quality of life.

    What we are planning to work on:

    Reduce target to 70% and focus more on the subjects that the students lack knowledge in. Also adapt the pre-test so it reflects the courses better.

    Recommendations for students:

    • Take advantage of advertised tutoring opportunities with the math/science division
    • Take advantage of your ANR instruction office hours and see them if you need assistant beyond the classroom.

    Program Data Sheet Spring 2014
    Program Data Sheet Spring 2013

    Program Review (National Campus) 2012-2014

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