Program Student Learning Outcomes Assessment
(AY 2018-2019)
Program Student Learning Outcomes (PSLOs)
Program Student Learning Outcomes(PSLOs)
At the completion of Agriculture & Natural Resources Management the student will be able to:
Acquire fundamental concepts and principles of land resources focusing towards development and production in a sustainable manner appropriate to Micronesia.
Demonstrate basic competencies in the management of land resources and food production.
Acquire basic skills, knowledge and attitude to manage a sustainable food production enterprise or qualify for entry-level employment in an agriculture or natural resource management-related agency.
Acquire a sound scientific background that will allow transfer to a higher degree program related to land resources and food systems.
M=Mastery at a level appropriate for graduation
Required Course:
AG 101:Introduction to Agriculture
AG 110: Crop Production
AG 140: Principals of animal science
AG 290: Agriculture project management
AG 299: Directed field experience
SC 230: Introduction to Chemistry
SC 250: General Botany
SC 115: Ethno botany
MS 150: Statistics
PSLO Assessment Report Summary
What we looked at:
The Agriculture & Natural Resources Management Program assessment focused on ANR_PSLO 1, ANR_PSLO 2, ANR_PLSO3, ANR_PSLO4:
What we found:
ANR_PSLO_1: Acquire fundamental concepts and principles of land resources focusing towards development and production in a sustainable manner appropriate to Micronesia.
Spring 2017 AG 110
84% of the students passed the posttest in Acquire fundamental concepts and principles of land resources focusing towards development and production in a sustainable manner appropriate to Micronesia.
ANR_PSLO_4: Acquire a sound scientific background that will allow transfer to a higher degree program related to land resources and food systems.
Summer 2017 AG 101
81% of the students passed the post-test on acquiring basic skills, knowledge and attitude to manage a sustainable food production enterprise or qualify for entry-level employment in an agriculture or natural resource management-related agency.
What are we planning to work on
We plan to start offering SC 250 General Botany in spring 2018. So we need the support of CC to approve the course outline.
We Plan to continue to improve student success in our program by providing students support in study skill, tutoring, mentoring and being pro-active in supporting the students in any way possible so that they can succeed. To achieve these we have planned to have 3-4 1 hour workshops for all ANRM majors. These workshops will include (1) online registration and course completion plan, (2) how students can prepare themselves for classes, (3) Training on attitudes and behavior, and (4) time management; We have also decided to commit 3 hours per week aside from office hours to assist ANRM students in need for tutoring.
Continue to improve recruitment strategies including visiting high schools. We plan to do outreach in the high schools, both Public and private high schools. Our plan at this time is to focus on the island of Pohnpei, yet we will open ourselves for other states.
Continue to improve on our course assessment, hopefully the results and feedback realized will guide us to improve delivery of our program, so that we can continue to improve and graduate more students from our program.
Recommendations for students:
Continue working with our students to take advantage of advertised tutoring opportunities with the math/science division
As students take advantage of your Agriculture & Natural Resources Management (ANRM) instruction 3 hour tutoring and see them if you need assistant beyond the classroom.
Continue to take advantage of your advisor support and get help if you are struggling and ask questions!
Read your textbooks before coming to class. It will help you understand the lectures better.
Coming to class on time is very important for student success, some instructor’s likes to make daily and weekly announcement and give out quizzes on previous lessons at the begging of class. If you miss these important things, you may get lost with course work.
Going to classes every day, doing assignments, lab work, studying and being proactive is the key for student success.
If you are planning to attend College of Micronesia-FSM, please make yourself available during the orientation week. Coming and attending the orientation week will help support you in completing your program here at the College.
Come and see your instructor’s at ANR, we are willing to help you to become an excellent student.
Join the Agriculture Farmer Future club and actively participate in projects, programs, and activities initiated by the club.
If you are eligible for work study, select the Agriculture program as your place of work so that you can learn while making some money.