Do not alter the desktop settings, the screensaver, change color schemes, nor add nor delete panels to the computer desktop!
Textbook: Handouts will be provided spring 2007
- Office hours:
Tuesday and Thursday mornings, Monday afternoons. Walk-ins welcome!
Instructor: Dana Lee Ling.
Web site:
Work: 320-2480 extension 228 / Home phone: 320-2962.
- Attendance:
Seven absences results in withdrawal from the course. A late is one third of an absence.
Thus any combination of absences and lates that adds to seven will result in withdrawal.
For example, twenty-one lates would result in withdrawal.
- No betelnut in class nor on campus except in the cultural huts.
No spitting over the balcony!
- Quizzes are given every Friday that there is not a test.
Quizzes and tests can and do occur on a Wednesday wherein Friday is a holiday.
- Grading policy:
Homework is worth 1 to 3 points.
Quizzes are worth on the order of 5 to 10 points each.
Tests are worth on the order of 20 points.
The midterm is worth roughly 40 points.
The final is worth up to roughly 60 points.
The term as a whole will generate some 200 plus points.
Grading is based on the standard College policy: Obtain 90% of the points or more to
obtain an A, 80% to 89% for a B, and so forth.
Points map to student learning outcomes via questions on publicly published
quizzes, tests, and examinations wherein each question can be linked back
to a course or program learning outcome. For further information refer to
the student learning outcomes nexus:
and the geometry
- Academic Honesty Policy: Cheating on an assignment, quiz, test, midterm, or final will result in a score of zero for that assignment, quiz, or examination. Due to our cramped quarters, the course operates by necessity on a system of personal integrity and honor.
- Course student learning outcomes assessment: Based on item analysis of final examination aligned to the outline. During term student assessment occurs at the end of each week, see above.